Monday 22 August 2011

Review - Annie Leonard: The Story of Stuff

Nowadays, people are judged and determined by what they own, have and wear rather than themselves on the inside. Stuffs that we own have been increasingly important to us as we shop almost all the time. “The Story of Stuff” is a short film by Annie Leonard that shows the underlying truth of the entire process of consumer products from extraction to production to distribution to consumption and to disposal. The five categories has many flaws that eventually make the system linear and ultimately ruins the planet.

The major problem within the system is that government and large corporations are only looking at the money that comes out of consumer products and are always searching for the cheapest way to exploit these steps from all of the process. As Annie in the video mentioned, the government is there to protect and support its people. However, if the government only looks for a change for money, it will ultimately destroy the people or even the country due to depletion of resources.

Obviously, they are not taking into account the interactions that the manufacturing processes have with people, cultures, economies and most importantly environments. As the world keeps on being extremely fast to exploit the resources and exceedingly produce consumer goods more than what we all need, the outcomes will not be good including ourselves.

I have found that buying and owning a lot of stuff will not increase our happiness but just leave more rubbish and ruin the planet. Therefore, as stuffs are all for human in the first place, we should take into account and try making the manufacturing systems united and cycled so that there will be no linear system which will leave negative impacts to the society.

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